Thursday, February 6, 2014

The addiction of losing weight

The formula for losing weight is simple... eat less, move more (or just eat less). But the actual process is a lot harder. It is one big balancing act.

It can make you obsess.. counting calories in/out, reading labels, checking restaurant menus before you go out. It seems a bit ridiculous, but if you are really going to change your eating habits it is something that many of us have to do, and may have to do for a long time.

But obsessiveness is a slippery slope, and like I said, losing weight is a balancing act. It can go both ways, you can fall back into bad habits and gain it all back or you can just keep on going. It is all too easy to slip so far into obsession that you can no longer control it.

There have been many times on my journey that I felt I was becoming a bit too obsessive and I always had to check myself. Remind myself that losing too much is just as bad being overweight. The days I went way over my calorie allotment were hard. Its so easy to restrict yourself completely the next day, or do something worse. But in the long run, doing those things will not help you. It will just create another problem.

Mentally, I am strong enough to shake off those thoughts but not everyone is, and they are so easy to act and then for them to become habits.

So why do I bring this up now?

Well mainly due to the controversy surrounding the latest biggest loser winner being far too thin. And I agree, she lost too much weight. She looked like skin and bones and should not have been allowed to win. Like others have suggested, there should be healthy weight clause on that show. And maybe the show will have one going forward.

Part of the show is learning to live a healthy lifestyle at home, and clearly she did not.

That being said, I understand how it can happen, especially with a big cash prize being dangled in front of you. How many of us would be strong enough to banish those obsessive thoughts with $250 K on the line? Just some food for thought.  

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