Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pocket Yoga: The Yoga app for the non-Yogi.

One would think, hailing from Vancouver, that I would be a yogi. I mean everyone from Vancity is, right? I mean come on.. its the home of Lululemon!

Alas, I am not a yogi. I don't think I really tried yoga until I moved to Calgary and was doing P90X. And even then I didn't really enjoy it. I think that it was a bit too hard for a beginner like me.

Well that was well over a year ago and, while I am still not a yogi, I do enjoy doing Yoga every so often on my rest days. I do still consider myself a beginner though.

So when I was looking at fitness apps I downloaded a bunch of free yoga ones and quickly discovered they were not what I was looking for. Having never been to a yoga studio and having no idea about how the moves should flow, I needed something that would take me through a routine and not just show me poses.

I ended up buying Pocket Yoga and have been very satisfied with the purchase. I don't normally pay for apps but will if I feel there is not a free equivalent.

What I love about the app is that I don't have to plan a routine. I just pick one of the three options: Ocean, Mountain or Dessert, the skill level, and the length of time I want to spend and hit play. You can choose from 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions.

The app guides you through each move and even tells you when you should be breathing. There is also very relaxing music in the background. I always end my sessions very relaxed, which is what Yoga should really do.

The app also has a list of all the poses if you want to look up how to do a certain pose.

The skill levels of this app are pretty spot on. The beginner is just that. You can do this routine if you have never done yoga in your life. I recently moved on to the intermediate level and found that the increase in difficulty was just enough. Its a challenge, but I can still do all the moves. I can even do a wheel now!

As far as I can tell this app is not for someone who is very experienced in yoga (I haven't tried the most difficult skill level yet, so I don't know for sure). But for a beginner like me this was the perfect app.

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